Ensuring the success of minority and women-owned businesses through capital and technical assistance.

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  • Nearly $11 million

    in loans to businesses

  • 90% of Loans

    disbursed to minority or women-owned businesses

  • 1,500 Jobs

    created or retained

  • Over 900 hours

    in Technical Assistance programs for small businesses

Access to Capital

At Harlem Entrepreneurial Fund (HEF), we believe every small business deserves a fair shot at success. As a community-driven lender, we provide affordable loans from $500 to $350,000 to support local businesses, with a focus on those owned by women and people of color. Whether you're launching a new venture or expanding your operations, we're here to help you grow.

Through partnerships with the Small Business Administration (SBA), NYC Small Business Services, and other organizations, we’re able to offer even more resources to businesses in our community. Beyond funding, HEF provides personalized financial coaching and technical assistance to help small business owners build strong, sustainable enterprises. Because when local businesses thrive, our entire community benefits.


  • HEF Small Business Loan

    Grow your business with the HEF Small Business Loan. This loan provides low-rate financing up to $250,000.

  • SBA Microloan

    The microloan program provides loans up to $50,000 to help small businesses and certain not-for-profit childcare centers start up and expand.

  • Empire State Small Business Revolving Loan Fund

    A major obstacle business owners encounter is the lack of capital needed for growth. However, there are several options business owners can explore to raise capital.

  • HEF Small Business Growth Fund

    Designed for new and existing businesses in NYC, this new loan product offers no minimum credit score, loans ranging from $2,500 to $25,000, a fixed rate of 6%, and a 3-year term.

Access to Technical Assistance

We believe entrepreneurship is a powerful tool that can create jobs, close the opportunity and equity gap, and transform communities, and we are committed to providing the technical support that business owners in our neighborhood and surrounding areas need to thrive.

Technical Assistance Programs

  • Opportunity for Growth (OFG)

    Opportunity for growth is a four-month business education program utilizing Interise’s Streetwise ‘MBA'™ curriculum designed to accelerate the growth of businesses owned by minorities and women.

  • Growth Path

    Growth Path is a business advisory service designed to deliver hands-on expertise to minority and women owned small businesses in areas of financial management, human resources, sales, and marketing.

  • NYC Business Solutions Center

    We operate the Upper Manhattan and Washington Heights centers on behalf of Small Business Services (SBS) to help businesses open, operate, and expand in New York City.

“I have found HEF to be a very nurturing partner. They were easy to work with, understanding of our situation, and committed to helping us achieve the growth we are poised for.”

Karl Franz Williams
Founder & CEO, Uncle Waithley’s